*Home Services (Plumbing, Construction, Electrician, and more)

Get More 5-Star Reviews for Home Service Businesses

Outrank your competition by collecting 10x more 5-star customer reviews on Google, Facebook, and many other review sites.   Get Started with LocalReviews

Rank #1 on Google

Customer Google Reviews for Home Services:  Frequently collect more 5-star reviews, outrank your competition on Google, gain greater social proof, and generate more traffic and sales.

Automatically Text Your Customers a Review Invite

Once your project is completed, LocalReviews will automatically text a customizable review invite to your customer like, "Thank you for choosing XYZ Business. Please take a few seconds to leave us a review [review link included]."  The link will take them directly to Google, Facebook, or another review site of your choice and within 3 clicks they can leave you a 5-star review.
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Why Choose LocalReviews

Get more 5-star Google reviews, best pricing in the industry, unlimited texts and emails, superior customer support, proven results, and seamless integrations with software systems like Square, Housecall Pro, AccuLynx,  and many more.  LocalReviews is not just another review solution. It’s a game-changer for those who want to grow their retail business with online Google reviews.

Showcase Your 5-Star Reviews

Post your best reviews on your website with a world-class, built for you, reviews widget.  Plus, effortlessly collect, manage, and promote your reviews on review platforms like Google, Facebook, and/or others.
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Social Proof

Positive reviews serve as social proof that your business provides excellent products and service. When potential customers see that others have had positive experiences with your business, they are more likely to choose your business over others.

Local SEO Benefits

Google considers reviews when determining local search rankings. Having 5-star reviews boosts your business’ local SEO efforts, making it more visible to people searching for services in your area.  Get more reviews for your business.
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See What a Few of Our Clients Have to Say "Thank you, LocalReviews!"

So far it has been a good experience. This software offers many features in a great package. Easy access to support and implementation is easy!"

Nick Henrie - Spinal Intervention

Having LocalReviews has been amazing! It has been such a great addition to my business. It allows my clients to quickly and easily leave reviews."

Jaysha Palombo - Blush Beauty

Local Reviews provides us software with easy access for obtaining reviews from our customers. Bulk texting and emailing is a great feature to reach out to our customers about promotions."

David Coats - Pilgrim House Furniture

Get Started with Local Reviews today!